Do You Have a Data-Centric Organization?


There has never been any greater need for Investment Management firms to optimize the management, delivery and reporting of their enterprise data. Firms are being driven to reconsider their business models and adapt architectures and IT systems to accommodate several new factors affecting the industry.  All these factors, be it product innovation, the shift to passive, new regulations, raised client service expectations, or fee compression, converge on one thing – Data.

You know you have a Data-Centric organization if…

  • you determine the scope of data impacted by an impending business or IT initiative BEFORE embarking on an initiative.
  • enterprise data is prioritized based on risk and value not the loudest voice(s).
  • there exists an established project implementation approach and SDLC that integrates data every step of the way – whether it be Agile, Modified Agile or Waterfall.
  • everyone looks at data through the Consumer’s eyes by starting with future state data requirements working your way back to current state.
  • project deliverables and Critical Success Factors include a data operating model (people, process, IT).
  • the ability to support the end state data requirements is considered as one of the key decision criteria when selecting business or IT solutions (Buy or Build).
  • reporting is perceived as a way to package data not as the report itself.

Olmstead’s experienced data management consultants understand the underpinnings behind each of the factors affecting Investment Firms and how they impact your business. We apply our proprietary data-centric methodology and tools to help transform firms into a data-centric organization.

Learn more about the Olmstead Data Management Team.

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